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Carlisle Cookout 2009

With Russ Owens securely at the helm, we feasted on brats, chicken and burgers. As Russ would say,"It wasn't a damn BBQ", but it was a heck of a cookout. We had a bigger crew than last year. The food and libation flowed throughout the night. The rain from the day slacked off and we were treated to nice mild night, to get together and share stories and tips on our beloved 7-Litres. Some new folks to the annual cookout, also joined us. Mike Patak, from "Mike's Classic Cars" was nice enough to bring along some of his new reproduction items to show us and treated everyone to copies of his new car Calendar. There was lots of talk of up and coming projects in the world of 7-Litres, as well as ideas for ways to get the word out about our cars. Paul Battaglia couldn't be with us this year, but he was there via phone, as well as in spirit. Let's hope next year brings about an even bigger showing of the "7-Litreites"!

"Where is Dave with my Beer?!"

This could be a line right out of The Godfather 2,
"Michael. We need you to go pay a visit
to our friend in Miami!"

"That's Great, but does it come in Emberglo?"

Looks like the wall at the Post Office.

Ever been to a 7-Litre cookout?
They're In Tents!

"Hey Barry. These Brats better be good...after they make us wait on this line!

"I didn't blink. YOU blinked ."




"Look. I finally got this seat dry, and I'm not
giving it to anyone! "

"Tom. I'm not going to look, but is Jim starring at me, again ?"

"Look.....between you and me, we've got this market sewn up!"


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