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Carlisle 2009

Well, another Great Carlisle Ford Nationals is in the record books. Last year we fought off killer heat. This year it was the rain, but we still had fun, and it broke for Saturday and Sunday. We had a better turnout this year as you can see by the Group shot. The rain broke in time for the cookout. Even though some faint of heart bailed, Russ manned the grill like a champ! As usual, brats, burgers and chicken were in abundance.

The picture to the right shows some of the group. From left to right: Reggie Houle, Jim Larock, Greg Mikolajczak, Lou Vecchioni, Ron Barnhardt, Tom Volpone, Felix Gonzalez, Paul Phillips, Ken Gucker, Mark Whitmer, Dave Horne, Garnet Ross, Ed Kepner.
Bottom Row: Charlie Trudel, Vince Panicola, Paul Houck and Russ Owens.

Absent from the shot: Scott McVicker, Barry Spaar, Bobby Snipes, Bill Wichman, Lars Severance, Paul Battaglia.

Charlie Trudel took 1st Place in our division- Raven Black HardTop w/ black interior
Ron Barnhardt * took 2nd- Nightmist Blue Convert w/Blue Interior and newcomer Mark Whitmer took 3rd - Sapphire Blue Convert w/ black interior.
* Ron also won a "Celebrity Judge's Choice" Award

(it wasn't a damn BBQ!)
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